Hapbeat LLC is a university venture from Tokyo Tech that focuses on utilizing haptic feedback to existing digital content such as music, games, and VR, literally enhancing the experience by one dimension through the development, manufacture, and sale of Hapbeat. Hapbeat is a new haptic device that accomplishes compact, high-power, and high-quality. In the future, we aim to create a world where "anyone" can create and enjoy haptic content "anytime," just like today's videos and music.


Founder & CEO

Yusuke Yamazaki

Yusuke Yamazaki

Co-Founder & CTO

Shoichi Hasegawa

Shoichi Hasegawa


The overall design of the Kickstarter project, including product design, website, video, etc., was done under the supervision of Associate Professor Tetsuaki Baba of Tokyo Metropolitan University, with the cooperation of his laboratory students and alums.

Director: Tetsuaki Baba

Design: Yuji Tsukamoto, Minatsu Takekoshi

Video: Tatsuhiko Suzuki, Tomohiro Matsuba, Tomoya Eguchi

Website: Paul Haimes, Junya Yamamoto, Taiki Hanaoka

©2023 Hapbeat LLC.